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1. Cbreezy09
Cbreezy09 Stats
Refreshed: 10/16/21 12:39 AM CDT

October Stats
Wins: 0
Kills: 0
Deaths: 0
KDR: 0.000

Seasonal Lifetime Stats
KDR: 0.503

Wins: 2
Solo (3rd Person): 0
Solo (1st Person): 0
Duo (3P): 0
Duo (FP): 1
Squad (3P): 1
Squad (FP): 0

Kills: 201
Solo (3rd Person): 2
Solo (1st Person): 34
Duo (3P): 2
Duo (FP): 58
Squad (3P): 30
Squad (FP): 75

Deaths: 400
Solo (3rd Person): 12
Solo (1st Person): 46
Duo (3P): 10
Duo (FP): 93
Squad (3P): 61
Squad (FP): 178

2. Botcher
Botcher Stats
Refreshed: 9/4/22 4:29 PM CDT

October Stats
Wins: 0
Kills: 0
Deaths: 0
KDR: 0.000

Seasonal Lifetime Stats
KDR: 1.494

Wins: 742
Solo (3rd Person): 1
Solo (1st Person): 0
Duo (3P): 23
Duo (FP): 55
Squad (3P): 189
Squad (FP): 474

Kills: 15802
Solo (3rd Person): 88
Solo (1st Person): 13
Duo (3P): 897
Duo (FP): 1434
Squad (3P): 5437
Squad (FP): 7933

Deaths: 10580
Solo (3rd Person): 64
Solo (1st Person): 6
Duo (3P): 551
Duo (FP): 912
Squad (3P): 3664
Squad (FP): 5383

3. Popsbass
Popsbass Stats
Refreshed: 10/5/22 5:26 PM CDT

October Stats
Wins: 0
Kills: 0
Deaths: 0
KDR: 0.000

Seasonal Lifetime Stats
KDR: 0.216

Wins: 3
Solo (3rd Person): 0
Solo (1st Person): 1
Duo (3P): 0
Duo (FP): 0
Squad (3P): 1
Squad (FP): 1

Kills: 437
Solo (3rd Person): 47
Solo (1st Person): 318
Duo (3P): 0
Duo (FP): 25
Squad (3P): 1
Squad (FP): 46

Deaths: 2019
Solo (3rd Person): 295
Solo (1st Person): 1127
Duo (3P): 33
Duo (FP): 173
Squad (3P): 28
Squad (FP): 363

4. Storfin
Storfin Stats
Refreshed: 8/12/21 10:28 PM CDT

October Stats
Wins: 0
Kills: 0
Deaths: 0
KDR: 0.000

Seasonal Lifetime Stats
KDR: 0.651

Wins: 0
Solo (3rd Person): 0
Solo (1st Person): 0
Duo (3P): 0
Duo (FP): 0
Squad (3P): 0
Squad (FP): 0

Kills: 28
Solo (3rd Person): 16
Solo (1st Person): 0
Duo (3P): 0
Duo (FP): 0
Squad (3P): 12
Squad (FP): 0

Deaths: 43
Solo (3rd Person): 17
Solo (1st Person): 0
Duo (3P): 0
Duo (FP): 0
Squad (3P): 26
Squad (FP): 0

5. Dan_Keo
Dan_Keo Stats
Refreshed: 12/22/22 5:29 PM CDT

October Stats
Wins: 0
Kills: 0
Deaths: 0
KDR: 0.000

Seasonal Lifetime Stats
KDR: 0.375

Wins: 0
Solo (3rd Person): 0
Solo (1st Person): 0
Duo (3P): 0
Duo (FP): 0
Squad (3P): 0
Squad (FP): 0

Kills: 18
Solo (3rd Person): 0
Solo (1st Person): 0
Duo (3P): 5
Duo (FP): 1
Squad (3P): 10
Squad (FP): 2

Deaths: 48
Solo (3rd Person): 1
Solo (1st Person): 0
Duo (3P): 9
Duo (FP): 6
Squad (3P): 28
Squad (FP): 4

July: HolyHotDoG
July 2024 Stats
Wins: 0
Kills: 1
Deaths: 6
KDR: 0.167

Player Prestige XP Wins CKs
#1 Player on all CiD Insurgency Servers   1. leegrigo27
14 184290 52 8029
2. ThreeDog 13 180940 51 7894
3. ZeeGerman 7 49410 20 941
4. [CiD]ndfirefighter39 18 42520 13 1652
5. Rambone 9 24140 9 614
September: [MEDIC] ThreeDog
September 2024 Stats
Score: 191110
Wins: 52
Kills: 8711
Prestige: 13

View Top 100 Insurgency COOP Leaderboard

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege - RANKED
Name October Stats
Score MMR Wins Kills Deaths KDR
#1 CiD Rainbow Six Player! 1. CiD.BoUnTyHuNtr 0 2424
click for lifetime
0 0 0.000
2. CiD.KGB 0 2571
click for lifetime
0 0 0.000
3. CiDWispydwarf 0 2194
click for lifetime
0 0 0.000
4. CiD.Kizamyaski 0 2500
click for lifetime
0 0 0.000
5. CiD.Grim 0 2500
click for lifetime
0 0 0.000

October: CiD.BoUnTyHuNtr
October 2022 Stats
MMR: 2424
Wins: 9
Kills: 39
Deaths: 69
KDR: 0.57

1. YumaLumaPuma #1 CiD Discord Modern Warfare 2019 Warzone Player!
2. Grim
3. Kettu78
4. ShadowDragon
5. CiDApophis
April 2023 Stats
Wins: 0
Kills: 2
Deaths: 2
KDR: 1.00
Contracts: 0

1. Grim #1 CiD Discord Cold War Player!
2. ShadowDragon
3. Kettu78
4. danballs
5. Shiki
March 2024 Stats
BNet: CiDApophis#1789
Wins: 0
Losses: 0
W/L: 0.00
Kills: 21
Deaths: 18
Hits: 19
Headshots: 2
KDR: 1.17
H2k: 0.90
1. chum #1 CiD Discord Cold War Tactical Player!
2. Stitch0124
3. CiDred1
4. BoUnTyHuNtEr
5. Shiki
February 2023 Stats
BNet: OUTLAW#12491
Wins: 2
Losses: 0
W/L: 2.00
Kills: 3
Deaths: 6
KDR: 0.50

1. BoUnTyHuNtEr #1 CiD Discord Vanguard Player!
3. CiDApophis
4. wispy
5. Grim
May 2024 Stats
BNet: CiDApophis#1789
Wins: 0
Losses: 0
W/L: 0.00
Kills: 1
Deaths: 8
Hits: 1
Headshots: 0
KDR: 0.13
H2k: 1.00

[CiD] Game Servers

CiD Insurgency COOP 1


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CiD Gamer Tip
R6 and PUBG

KNOW your mouse DPI. Pros set theirs anywhere from 400 to 1000. The important thing is to at least know what yours is. Chances are you will probably like a different one than the factory default.

There are many youtubes out there, comparing... but in the end you should just find whats right for you.

List of Pro R6 Settings
List of Pro PUBG Settings

- Balls     

Clear In Darkness is officially recognized by the Central Outpost as a genuine gaming organization.

"... If man pretends to see clear in darkness, if he goes in contradiction to the course of the seasons, or the action of the elements .. he receives .. a corporeal punishment .. but if .. he observes and practises each of those laws .. he preserves his existence ..."

C. F. Volney